Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Employment Contract

The Board shall execute an employment contract with all professional tenured and non-tenured employees.
The Board has the authority under law to prescribe employment conditions for its professional employees and fix compensations according to the current bargaining agreement. Willfull misrepresentation of facts material to the employment and determination of salary level shall be considered cause for disciplinary action or dismissal of the employee.
Each professional employee shall execute an employment contract with the Board consistent with the law and the current bargaining agreement. This contract shall be automatically renewed annually unless terminated by the professional employee by a written resignation presented sixty (60) days before resignation becomes effective, or by the Board by written notice presented to the professional employee. The notice shall designate the cause for the termination and shall state that an opportunity to be heard shall be granted if the said professional employee, within ten (10) days after receipt of the termination notice, presents a written request for such hearing.
Temporary professional employees upon attaining tenure shall be required to execute a new contract.
The contract shall specify those matters contained in statute for professional and temporary professional employees. For part-time employees of a professional category the contract or Board resolution shall be in accordance with this policy.
The contract or resolution shall include:
1. The Beginning compensation.
2. Term of employment and work period for which compensation will be paid.
3. Qualification and duties performed in compliance with the law and the current bargaining agreement.
4. A statement of fringe benefits entitlement.
5. A statement of seniority rights, if any.
The terms of a collective bargaining agreement may supersede the specifics of an individual employee contract in certain areas of conditions of employment.
The Board shall be promptly notified of any controversy that arises regarding any error in the salary paid to any employee.
The Board shall also be notified of any misunderstanding arising from the application of a given contract.