Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Records Retention Schedule
No. 800-AR-1




How To Use The Records Retention Schedule

The Records Retention Schedule lists records that are created, received or retained as a result of district operations. The schedule includes a description of the records, format in which the records will be retained, classification of the records, retention period, and disposal code. The following information will assist in applying this schedule.

Record Formats

Media codes are used to identify the format(s) that the district may choose to maintain specified records and are assigned as follows:

A. Paper

B. Microform

C. Electronic (machine readable)

D. Audiovisual (tapes, movies, film strips, etc.)

E. Cartographic (maps, drawings, blueprints, plans, etc.)

F. Photographic

Record Classifications

District records will be classified as follows, based on the information contained therein:

Public – These records will be made available for access and duplication in accordance with law, Board policy and administrative regulations.

Exempt – These records are exempt from public access by law.

Contains exempt information – These records contain information that is exempt from public access by law.

Confidential – These records are also exempt from public access but specifically designated as confidential or privileged by law, regulation or court order.

Records that are exempt from public access or contain information that is exempt from public access will be protected from unauthorized access in accordance with law, Board policy and administrative regulations. Any exempt information will be separated or redacted from an otherwise public record before being made available to a requester. Confidential records may only be accessed, released and/or disseminated by authorized personnel in accordance with law, regulation, or court order and will not be released under the district’s discretionary authority to release exempt records.

Although this schedule provides guidance on whether a record will be considered public under Pennsylvania’s Right-to-Know law, the designated Open Records Officer must make a determination, independent of this guidance, whether a particular requested record or parts of a particular record is public under the Right-to-Know law. The Open Records Officer’s decision, not the guidance on this schedule, shall be determinative.

Retention Periods

Retention periods listed on the schedule are given in years, unless otherwise indicated. Upon expiration of the retention period, all identified records will be disposed of in accordance with Board policy and this schedule.

Disposal Codes

Disposal codes are used to direct the final disposition of records. Records must be disposed of according to the assigned code listed on the schedule. Assigned disposal codes are as follows:

1. Routine Handling – No special precautions are necessary upon disposal. The records should be recycled or disposed of in accordance with standard district procedures.

2. Special Handling – The destruction of records containing privileged, confidential, exempt or sensitive information that requires special handling by shredding, burning, erasing or any other method that reduces information to an illegible condition.

3. Archival Retention – Records requiring permanent retention or records that have sufficient archival or historic value must be preserved in perpetuity.

4. Delete – For use with electronic records. When electronic records have met their retention period, they will be deleted.

Records Not On Schedule

For any record not covered by the retention schedule, the Records Management Committee will determine how long the record must be kept and recommend any necessary revisions to the retention schedule.


Record Description Record Format Record Classification Retention Period
(in years) Disposal Code
Administrative Records
Feasibility Studies A,C Public 3 1,4
PSSA Results A,C Public Permanent 3
Public Record Requests A,C Public 1 from date received 1,4
School District Report Cards A,C Public Permanent 3
Strategic Plan A,C Public One (1) copy permanent 3
Investigation Records A,C,D,E,F Exempt 6 after final resolution 2,4
Regarding District Employee(s) A,B,C Exempt 7 after employment ends 2,4
Regarding Instructional Materials or District Programs A,B,C Public 6 1,4
District Organization Records
District Boundaries/Attendance Areas A,C,E Public Permanent 3
Photographs/Movies of Historical Value C,D,F Public Permanent 3
Employment Contracts
Administrative Compensation Plan A,B,C Public One (1) copy permanent 3
Collective Bargaining Agreements A,B,C Public One (1) copy permanent 3
Individual Employment Contracts/Board Resolutions A,C Public 4 after employment ends 1,4
Facility Use Records
Applications A,C Public 6 1,4
Fee Schedule(s) A,C Public Current 1,4
Financial Records
Accounts Payable A,B,C Public 6 1,4
Accounts Receivable A,B,C Public 6 1,4
Adopted Annual Budget A,B,C Public 10 1,4
Annual Financial Reports A,B,C Public Permanent 3
Annual Audit Reports A,B,C Public Permanent 3
Bank Statements A,B,C Public 6 1,4
Check Registers A,B,C Public 6 1,4
Deposit Slips A,B,C Public 6 1,4
General Ledger A,B,C Public Permanent 3
Grant Records (Successful) A,C Public 6 after close of grant 1,4
Investment Records A,B,C Public 6 after cancellation 1,4
Purchase Orders A,B,C Public 6 1,4
Tax Collection Records A,B,C Public 6 1,4
Free and Reduced Lunch Program Records
Accounts/Audits A,B,C Public 5 1,4
Application for Participation A,C Exempt 5 2,4
Program Requirements A,B,C Public 5 1,4
Complaint A,B,C Exempt Permanent 3
District Response A,B,C Exempt Permanent 3
Final Ruling/Decision of Arbitrator A,B,C Public Permanent 3
Insurance Records
Claims A,B,C Contains exempt information 6 after settlement 2,4
Policies/Contracts A,B,C Public 6 after expiration 1,4
Litigation Files
Pleadings, Motions, Briefs, Other Filings A,B,C Public 7 after final conclusion of litigation 1,4
Decision/Ruling A,B,C Public 7 after final conclusion of litigation 1,4
Medical Records
Medical Records (Employee) A,C Confidential 3 after employment ends 2,4
Medical Records (Employee Exposure to Toxic Substance) A,C Confidential 30 after employment ends 2,4
Medical Records (Student) A,C Confidential 2 after graduation 2,4
Pre-Employment Medical Examination A,C Confidential 3 after employment ends 2,4
Payroll Records
Deduction Authorizations A,B,C Contains exempt information 6 2,4
Direct Deposit Forms A,B,C Exempt 6 2,4
Time Cards A,B,C Public 6 1,4
Wage and Tax Statements (W-2 Forms) A,B,C Contains exempt information 6 2,4
Withholding Allowance Certificates (W-4 Forms) A,B,C Contains exempt information 6 after employment ends 2,4
Personnel Records
Attendance Records (Employees) A,C Public 3 after employment ends 1,4
Background Check Documentation A,B,C Confidential 4 after employment ends 2,4
Continuing Education/Professional Development A,C Contains exempt information 3 after employment ends 2,4
Credentials (Certificates/Licenses) A,B,C Public 4 after employment ends 1,4
Discipline Records (Employees) A,B,C Exempt 7 after employment ends 2,4
Employment Application (Hired) A,B,C Contains exempt information 7 after employment ends 1,4
Employment Application (Not Hired) A,C Exempt 4 after position filled 2,4
Equal Employment Opportunity Reports A,C Public 3 1,4
Evaluations (Employees) A,C Exempt 3 after employment ends 2,4
Leave Records (FMLA) A,C Confidential 3 after employment ends 2,4
Leave Records (Other) A,B,C Contains exempt information 3 after employment ends 2,4
Pre-Employment Reference Checks A,C Exempt 3 after employment ends 2,4
Resignations A,B,C Public 7 after employment ends 1,4
Retirement Records A,B,C Contains exempt information 7 after employment ends 2,4
Property Records
Building Blueprints C,E Exempt Permanent 3
Construction Contracts A,B,C Public 12 after completion 1,4
Deeds and Related Records A,B,C Public Permanent 3
Equipment Inventories A,B,C Public 6 1,4
Fixed Asset List A,B,C Public Permanent 3
Inventory Disposal Records A,C Public 3 after disposition 1,4
Leases (Real Estate) A,B,C Public Permanent 3
Leases (Equipment/Vehicles) A,B,C Public 6 after expiration 1,4
Pesticide Application Record A,C Public 3 1,4
Real Property Purchase or Sale A,B,C Public Permanent 3
Purchasing Records (Goods and Services)
Advertisements A,B,C Public 6 after completion 1,4
Bid Documents (Accepted) A,B,C Public 6 after completion 1,4
Bid Documents (Declined) A,C Public 3 after completion 1,4
Financial Information of Bidders A,C Exempt 3 after completion 2,4
Specifications A,B,C Public 6 after completion 1,4
Written or Telephonic Price Quotations A,C Public 3 after completion 1,4
Safety Records
Accident Reports A,B,C Contains exempt information 6 2,4
Emergency Preparedness Plan A,C Public 2 after revised 1,4
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) A,C Public Current 1
Safe School Act Reports A,B,C Public Permanent 3
Visitor Registration A,C Public 5 1,4
School Board Records
Board Meeting Agendas A,C Public 1 1,4
Board Minutes (Approved) A,B,C Public Permanent 3
Board Policies and Procedures (Current) A,B,C Public Permanent 3
Board Policies and Procedures (Old) A,B,C Public Permanent 3
Ethics Statement of Financial Interest A,B,C Public 5 1,4
Student Records Refer to Student Records Plan
Transportation Records (Drug/Alcohol Testing)
Negative or Below Limit Test Results A,C Exempt 1 2,4
Positive or Above Limit Test Results A,C Exempt 5 2,4
Records Related to Collection Process A,C Exempt 2 2,4
Records Related to Education and Training A,C Exempt 2 after employment ends 2,4
Refusal to Take Required Test A,C Exempt 5 2,4
Workers’ Compensation Records A,B,C Exempt 7 after claim closed 2,4