Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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School Bus Driver Qualifications
In order to ensure the safety of the school district's students during transportation to and from the school and school-related activities, the school district shall verify bus driver qualifications with the transportation contractor prior to commencement of the contractor's services for each school year. The purpose of this to verify that every driver transporting students meets the necessary qualifications set forth in the Public School Code, Regulations adopted by the Board and Regulations of Bureau of Motor Vehicles and the Department of Transportation of the Commonwealth.

The Board recognizes the school district's continuing responsibility to ensure the health, safety and welfare of its students during the course of transportation.

In accordance with the school district's obligations under the Public School Code and Bureau of Motor Vehicles of the Department of Transportation of the Commonwealth in furnishing pupil transportation, a representative of each transportation company shall produce a current file to the Superintendent or designee of the school district for each bus driver to be assigned to a transportation route for the school district for purposes of verifying that the minimum qualifications associated with the bus driver for a public school district are satisfied.

The school district shall keep a checklist confirming that the qualifications have been satisfied for each bus driver to be used for the transportation of Lewisburg Area School District pupils, as well as maintain copies of proof of each driver's qualifications in the Transportation Contractor's file.

The school district shall verify qualifications of bus drivers for each transportation contractor prior to the commencement of every school year. Mid-year hires by the Transportation Contractor must be approved by the School Board and Superintendent prior to assigning that driver to a route for the school district.

The bus contractor shall implement and enforce a policy requiring all employees to immediately report having been charged with a crime or convicted of a crime immediately upon notification of same. The bus contractor shall immediately notify the school district in writing of the information received from the bus contractor's employee for purposes of determining whether or not said employee is eligible to serve as a bus driver for the school district. Immediately upon receiving this information, the school district shall review the information provided by the bus contractor to determine whether or not charge or conviction precludes serving as a bus driver for the school district.

Upon reviewing the information provided by the bus contractor, the school district shall notify the bus contractor of its determination with respect to the contractor's employee. If the school district determines that the contractor's employee is no longer eligible to serve as a bus driver for the school district, the school district shall notify the bus contractor of same. Upon receiving said notification by the school district, the bus contractor shall not use said employee to service the school district in any fashion. If the employee is used by the bus contractor, the transportation contract may be terminated immediately.

The bus contractor shall notify the school district in writing of the contractor intends on assigning a route or allowing a bus driver to be a substitute for a transportation run of the school district. After receiving proper notification of a new or substitute bus driver, the school district shall verify with the transportation contractor the qualifications of that bus driver prior to that driver being permitted to engage in any transportation services for the school district.

The Board hereby delegates the responsibility of verifying bus driver qualifications prior to the commencement of every school year to the Superintendent or designee.

It will be the responsibility of the Superintendent or designee to meet with each transportation contractor prior to the commencement of each school year for purposes of verifying the qualifications of the bus drivers to be used for the school district's transportation routes.

The Superintendent or designee shall maintain a file with supporting documentation, confirming the qualifications imposed by the Department of Transportation's and Pennsylvania School Code have been satisfied.

In the event the qualifications verification reveals that a bus driver does not satisfy the requirements imposed by the Public School Code and the Bureau of Motor Vehicles of the Department of Transportation of the Commonwealth, the Business Manager shall notify the transportation contractor in writing that that bus driver is not to be used on any transportation routes for the school district unless and until satisfying the appropriate qualification requirements.

Driver Requirements

All school bus drivers utilized by the Transportation Contractor shall meet the requirements of the Bureau of Traffic Safety of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation in regards to application, age, fitness, competence, conduct, licensing, certification and continuing eligibility.

Proof of satisfaction of the following qualifications must be verified for each bus driver prior to the commencement of every school year:

1. Driver's License.

2. Act 34, 114, and 151 Clearance.

3. Physical examination pursuant to 67 PA Code 71.3.

4. Proof of successful of completion of driver's examination or re-certification examination (every four (4) years) pursuant to 67 PA Code 71.4.

5. Successful completion of courses of instruction:

a. For learning drivers - an applicant to whom an S endorsement learner's permit is issued to undergo a ten (10) hour course of instruction consisting of seven (7) hours of classroom instruction and three (3) hours of vehicle familiarity and driving instruction before driving a school bus carrying school children. On completion of the ten (10) hour course, the person shall be eligible to take the driver's examination administered by the Department. On successfully passing the driver's examination, the applicant will receive an S endorsement.

b. Within 120 days of receiving an S endorsement, a school bus driver shall undergo a supplemental ten (10) hour course of instruction consisting of seven (7) hours of classroom instruction and three (3) hours of vehicle familiarity and driving instruction. The course instructor shall notify the Department when a driver has completed the ten (10) hour course. If the notification is not received by the Department within 150 days of the date of the issuance of the S endorsement, the Department will suspend the S endorsement until notification is received.

6. Review Course – in addition to the training provided for above, the holder of an S endorsement shall undergo a ten (10) hour course of instruction consisting of seven (7) hours of classroom instruction and three (3) hours of vehicle familiarity and driving every four (4) years. Said review course if provided for in 67 PA Code 71.5(d).

7. Knowledge Examination – Each driver have successfully completed a knowledge examination given by the Department for an S endorsement. Each bus driver must submit for the knowledge examination every four (4) years to properly hold an S endorsement.

8. Insurance Certificate.


School Code – 24 P.S. Sec. 111, 510

State Board of Education Regulations – 22 PA Code Sec. 8.1 et seq.

State Department of Transportation Regulations – 67 PA Code Sec. 71.3, 71.4,

Child Protective Services Law – 23 Pa. C.S.A. Sec. 6301 et seq.

Board Policy – 810