Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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The Board supports and encourages the participation of parents/guardians and community residents to enhance the educational, co-curricular and extracurricular programs of the district.

The Board may adopt and enforce reasonable rules and regulations governing volunteers and their participation in the activities of the district.

The Board directs that all volunteers shall be informed of conduct that is prohibited and the disciplinary actions that may be applied for violation of Board policies, administrative regulations, rules and procedures.

All volunteers shall be expected to maintain professional, moral and ethical relationships with district students that are conducive to an effective, safe learning environment.

The following words and phrases, when used in this policy, shall have the meaning given to them in this section:

Adult - an individual eighteen (18) years of age or older that is not a student in the district.

Certifications - refers to the child abuse history clearance statement; the state criminal history background check; and where applicable, the federal criminal history background check, required by the Child Protective Services Law.

Direct volunteer contact - the care, supervision, guidance or control of children and routine interaction with children.

Person responsible for the child's welfare - a person who provides permanent or temporary care, supervision, mental health diagnosis or treatment, training or control of a child in lieu of parental care, supervision and control.

Routine interaction - regular and repeated contact that is integral to a person’s volunteer responsibilities.

Visitor - a parent/guardian, adult resident, educator, official or other individual who is not a school employee or independent contractor, and who visits a school or attends or participates in an event or activity at a school, but whose role is less substantial than would be sufficient to meet the definition of volunteer for purposes of this policy. Visitors have limited contact with children and are always under direct supervision of a staff member.

Volunteer – is an adult, whose role is more than that of a visitor, who voluntarily offers a service to the district without receiving compensation from the district. A volunteer is not a school employee. Volunteers have direct contact with children and have the possibility of care, supervision, guidance or control and routine interaction with children.

The Superintendent or designee shall be responsible for the selection and management of volunteers and for ensuring compliance with Board policies, administrative regulations, rules and procedures.

The Superintendent or designee shall be responsible for developing a volunteer handbook to outline the guidelines and responsibilities related to volunteering in the district as well as the process for becoming a volunteer.

At the discretion of the Superintendent or designee, a volunteer's service may be discontinued at any time.

The Superintendent or designee shall develop administrative regulations to implement this policy and manage the selection, use and supervision of volunteers.

Each volunteer shall complete and submit a volunteer application.

The names of all volunteers shall be submitted for approval by the Board.

Upon approval, volunteers shall be placed on the list of approved volunteers.

Approval shall be required prior to beginning service as a volunteer.


Prior to approval, all volunteers shall submit the following information:

1. PA Child Abuse History Certification - which must be less than twelve(12) months old.

2. PA State Police Criminal History Record Information - which must be less than twelve (12) months old.

3. Disclosure Statement for Volunteers - which is a statement swearing or affirming the applicant has not been disqualified from service by reason of conviction of designated criminal offenses or being listed as the perpetrator in a founded report of child abuse.

If a volunteer has not been a resident of Pennsylvania during the entirety of the previous ten (10) year period, the volunteer must also submit the following information:

1. Federal Criminal History Report – which must be less than twelve(12) months old.

The Superintendent or designee shall review the information and determine if information is disclosed that precludes service as a volunteer.

Information submitted by volunteers in accordance with this policy shall be maintained centrally in a manner similar to that used for school employees.

Volunteers shall obtain and submit new certifications every sixty (60) months.

A student, eighteen (18) years of age or older, who is volunteering for an event or activity sponsored by the school in which the student is enrolled and occurring on the school’s grounds, shall not be required to submit certifications except when the event or activity is for children in the care of a child-care service or the student will otherwise be responsible for the welfare of a child.

Tuberculosis Test

Prior to participating in student activities, volunteers shall undergo a test for tuberculosis, when required by and in accordance with the regulations and guidance of the Pennsylvania Department of Health.

Arrest Or Conviction Reporting Requirements

Volunteers shall report to the Superintendent or designee, in writing, within seventy-two (72) hours, an arrest or conviction required to be reported by law or notification that the volunteer has been named as a perpetrator in a founded or indicated report pursuant to the Child Protective Services Law.

The Superintendent or designee shall immediately require a volunteer to submit new certifications if the Superintendent or designee has a reasonable belief that the volunteer was arrested for or has been convicted of an offense required to be reported by law, was named as a perpetrator in a founded or indicated report, or has provided written notice of such occurrence.

Failure to accurately report such occurrences may subject the volunteer to disciplinary action up to and including denial of volunteer service and criminal prosecution.

Child Abuse Reporting
All volunteers who have reasonable cause to suspect that a child is the victim of child abuse shall make a report of suspected child abuse in accordance with applicable law, Board policy and administrative regulations.


Each volunteer shall be under the supervision of a designated school administrator, teacher or other member of the school staff.


Volunteers shall attend orientation and training sessions, as appropriate to the nature of their volunteer service. When training is provided for school employees relating to the legal obligations of employers and educational institutions, consideration shall be given to which volunteers should also receive that training.


No volunteer shall be permitted access to confidential student information unless the supervisor has determined that such access is necessary for the volunteer to fulfill his/her responsibilities. Volunteers with access to confidential student information shall maintain the confidentiality of that information in accordance with district policies and procedures and applicable law. If a volunteer has questions about the confidentiality of student information, the volunteer should consult with the building principal.

Reimbursement For Expenses

Volunteers may be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the course of their volunteer service only when authorized in advance by the Superintendent or designee.


Each volunteer shall affirm in writing that s/he has been provided with a copy of, has read, understands and agrees to comply with this policy.


School Code – 24 P.S. Sec. 510, 1418

Child Protective Services Law – 23 Pa. C.S.A. Sec. 6301 et seq.

State Department of Health Regulations – 28 PA Code Sec. 23.44

Board Policy – 123, 123.1, 123.2, 216, 806, 824, 907