Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Exemption from Instruction

The Board accepts the State Board of Education requirements that assure parents and guardians the right to have their children excused from specific instruction that conflicts with their religious beliefs.
School districts shall adopt policies to assure that parents and guardians have the right to have their children excused from specific instruction that conflicts with their religious/ethical beliefs.
The rights granted by this policy are granted to parents or guardians of students enrolled in this district where the students are under the age of eighteen (18) and to the students themselves when the student is eighteen (18) or over, unless the student is incapable of making the decision due to a disability.
The district shall excuse any student from specific instruction as defined in this policy upon satisfaction of and subject to the following conditions:
1. To assist the school district in ensuring that the student is excused from the correct specific instruction, the request must be made in writing and must detail the specific instruction with respect to which the student is to be excused.
2. The written request to be excused shall be sent by the qualifying parent, guardian or student to the building principal. . A copy shall be retained in the student's permanent school records, a copy shall be kept by the school principal, and a copy shall be submitted to the teacher from whose instruction the student is to be excused.
3. The written request must contain a statement that the specific instruction described in the written request conflicts with the religious beliefs of the student or of the parents or guardians.
4. The Principal shall notify the parent or guardian of the disposition of the request. If approved, items 5, and 6 will apply. If the request is not approved, the parent or guardian may appeal to the Superintendent.
5. Appropriate alternative instruction shall be provided during the time the student is excused. The building principal shall determine where the student shall report during the time the student is excused.
6. All students excused from specific instruction shall be required to achieve the written curriculum established by the district necessary for graduation.