Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Section 1: Legislative
The Board shall exercise its rule-making power by adopting procedures for the governance of the Board, hereinafter referred to as bylaws, and policy statements and policy guidelines, hereinafter collectively referred to as policies, for the organization and operation of the District. Bylaws and policies, which are not dictated by statutes, State Board of Education regulations, or ordered by a court of competent authority, may be adopted, amended, or repealed at any regular Board meeting.

The Board may vote to suspend, at any time, any approved bylaw or policy, provided the suspension does not conflict with statutes, State Board of Education regulations, or any court-imposed mandates. Such suspension shall be effective until the next open public Board meeting unless an earlier time is specified in the motion to suspend.

The adoption, modification, repeal or suspension of a bylaw or policy shall be recorded in the written minutes of the Board.

Section 2: Executive
The Board shall exercise its executive power through the appointment of a Superintendent who shall be responsible for the administration and management of the District and who shall enforce statutes, State Board of Education regulations, and Board policies.

Administrative guidelines, which implement the philosophical statements of policy, shall be written by the Superintendent or his/her designee, when so directed by the Board, and shall be subject to Board approval. Administrative guidelines to a policy may be approved, amended, suspended, or repealed at any regular Board meeting.

The Superintendent shall be delegated the authority to take necessary action in circumstances not provided for in policy, provided that such action shall be reported to the Board for approval at the next regular Board meeting following such action.

Section 3: Review
The Board may assume jurisdiction over controversies or disputes arising within the District and concerning any matter over which the Board has authority granted by statute or where the Board has retained jurisdiction in contract or policies. In furtherance of its adjudicatory function, the Board may hold hearings in accordance with law to offer parties of a dispute, on notice duly given, a fair and impartial forum for the resolution of the matter.