Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Health Examinations


In compliance with the School Code, the Board shall require that students of this district submit to health and dental examinations:

1. To protect the school community from the spread of communicable disease.
2. To ensure that the student's participation in health, safety, and physical education courses meets his/her individual needs.

3. To ensure that the learning potential of each child is not lessened by a remediable physical disability.

Each pupil shall receive a comprehensive health examination upon original entry into school in the Commonwealth, while in sixth grade, and in eleventh grade. These examinations will be conducted by the school physician. A private examination conducted at the parents’/guardians’ request and at their expense will be accepted in lieu of the school examination.

Each pupil shall receive a comprehensive dental examination upon original entry into school in the Commonwealth, while in third grade, and in seventh grade. These examinations will be conducted by the school dentist. A private examination conducted at the parents' request and at their expense will be accepted in lieu of the school examination.

The school district will accept reports of private physical and dental exams completed within one (1) year prior to a student’s entry into the grade where an exam is required.

The school nurse or medical technician shall administer to each student vision tests, hearing tests, other tests deemed advisable, and height and weight measurements, at intervals established by state health guidelines. Height and weight measurements shall be used to calculate the student’s weight-for-height ratio.

For each pupil transferring to the schools of this district the Superintendent shall request an adequate health record from the transferring school.

The individual pupil records of health examinations shall be maintained as a confidential record subject to statute and the policies of this district.

A student who presents a statement signed by his/her parent/guardian that a medical examination is contrary to his/her religious beliefs shall be examined only when the Secretary of Health determines that the student presents a substantial health menace to the health of other persons.

Where it appears to school health officials or teachers that a child deviates from normal growth and development or where school examinations reveal conditions requiring health or dental care, the parent/guardian of the child shall be so informed and a recommendation shall be made that the parent consult a private physician or dentist. The parent/guardian shall be required to report to the school the action taken subsequent to such notification. When the parents/guardians inform the school of financial inability to provide an examination, the school shall advise them of the availability of public assistance. Where no action is taken, the school may conduct further examinations.

Parents/Guardians of children who are to be examined shall be notified of such examinations. The notice shall include the date and location of the examination and encouragement that the parent/guardian attends.

Such notice may also include notification that the parent/guardian may have the examination conducted privately at the parent's/guardian’s expense.

The Superintendent shall instruct all staff members to observe students continually for conditions that indicate physical defect or disability and to report such conditions promptly to the school nurse.


School Code – 24 P.S. Sec. 1401-1419

State Board of Education Regulations – 22 PA Code Sec. 12.41, 403.1

State Department of Health Regulations – 28 PA Code Sec. 23.1 et seq.

No Child Left Behind Act – 20 U.S.C. Sec. 1232h

Board Policy – 216