Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Gifted Education


In accordance with the Board's philosophy to develop the special abilities of each student, the district shall provide gifted education services and programs designed to meet the individual educational needs of identified students.
The district shall develop and implement a gifted education plan every six (6) years, as required by law and regulations. Prior to approval by the Board, the gifted education plan shall be made available for public inspection and comment in the district’s administrative offices and the nearest public library for a minimum of twenty-eight (28) days.

The district’s gifted education plan shall address:

1. The district’s process for identifying gifted children in need of specially designed instruction.

2. The gifted special education programs offered by the district.

Reports of gifted students, personnel and program elements, and costs, as required by the Department of Education.

The Board may enter into a cooperative agreement with the Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit to provide gifted education services and programs.

The Board directs that the district’s gifted education program shall provide the following:

1. System to locate and identify all students within the district who are thought to be gifted and in need of specially designed instruction.

2. Screening and evaluation process to determine students’ educational needs that meets state requirements.

3. Procedures to determine whether a student is mentally gifted.

4. Gifted Individualized Education Plan (GIEP) developed, and subsequently modified, for each student based on his/her unique needs and the written report of the Gifted Multidisciplinary Team (GMDT).

5. Safeguards for the due process rights of gifted students.

6. Notification to teachers of their responsibilities to each of their identified gifted students, as provided in the student’s Gifted Individualized Education Plan (GIEP).

The district shall provide all required notices and information to parents/guardians of gifted students, document all consents and responses of parents/guardians, and adhere to all established timelines.

The district shall make the Permission To Evaluate Gifted Student Form readily available to parents/guardians. If an oral request is made to an administrator or professional employee, s/he shall provide the form to the parents/guardians within ten (10) calendar days of the oral request.

Caseloads/Class Size

The Board directs the Superintendent and designated administrators to annually assess the district’s delivery of gifted services and programs, in order to:

1. Ensure the ability of assigned staff to provide the services required in each identified student's GIEP.

2. Address the educational placements for gifted students within the district.

3. Limit the total number of gifted students that can be on an individual gifted teacher's caseload to a maximum of seventy-five (75) students. Beginning July 1, 2010, the maximum teacher caseload shall be sixty-five (65) students.

4. Limit the total number of gifted students that can be on an individual gifted teacher's class roster to a maximum of twenty (20) students.

The district may make a written request to the Secretary of Education to waive the applicable caseload and class size maximums in extenuating circumstances.

Confidentiality Of Student Records

All personally identifiable information regarding a gifted student shall be treated as confidential and disclosed only as permitted by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and its implementing regulations, State Board of Education Regulations, and Board policy.

Awareness Activities

The Superintendent or designee shall annually conduct awareness activities to inform parents/guardians of school-aged children residing within the district of its gifted education services and programs, and how to request these services and programs.

Awareness activities may include providing written notice of the district's gifted education program through local newspapers, other media, student handbooks and the district web site.

The Superintendent or designee shall develop administrative procedures to implement this policy.


School Code – 24 P.S. Sec. 1371

State Board of Education Regulations – 22 PA Code Sec. 4,13, 4.28, 11.12,
16.1 et seq.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act – 20 U.S.C. Sec. 1232g

Board Policy – 100, 113, 216