Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Purchases Subject to Bid

The Board shall obtain competitive bids and price quotations for products and services where such bids or quotations are required by law or may result in monetary savings to the school district.

The amounts contained in this policy regarding competitive bid and price quotation requirements are subject to adjustments based on the Consumer Price Index.

Competitive Bids

When seeking competitive bids, the Board shall advertise once a week for three (3) weeks in not less than two (2) newspapers of general circulation.

After due public notice advertising for competitive bids, the Board shall be authorized to:

1. Purchase furniture, equipment, school supplies and appliances costing a base amount of $19,100 or more, unless exempt by law.

2. Contract for construction, reconstruction, repairs, maintenance or work on any school building or property having a total cost or value of more than $19,100, unless exempt by law.

The Board prohibits the practice of splitting purchases to avoid advertising and bidding requirements.

With kind, quality and material being equal, the bid of the lowest responsible bidder meeting bid specifications shall be accepted upon resolution of the Board, unless the Board chooses to reject all bids.

The Board recognizes that emergencies may occur when imminent danger exists to persons or property or continuance of existing school classes is threatened, and time for bidding cannot be provided because of the need for immediate action. Bidding decisions in the event of such emergencies shall be made in accordance with existing legal requirements.

Electronic Bidding

The Board shall receive bids electronically for competitive contracts, except for construction and design services, in compliance with applicable laws and Board policy.

The district shall electronically maintain the confidentiality of the bid until the bid opening.

Price Quotations

Unless exempt by law, at least three (3) written or telephonic price quotations shall be requested by the Board for:

1. Furniture, equipment, school supplies and appliances costing a base amount of more than $10,300 but less than $19,100.

2. All contracts for construction, reconstruction, repairs, maintenance or work on any school building or property, having a total cost or value of more than $10,300 but less than $19,100.

If it is not possible to obtain three (3) quotations, a memorandum must be kept on file showing that fewer than three (3) qualified vendors exist within the district. The written price quotations, written records of telephonic price quotations and memoranda shall be kept on file for three (3) years.

Work Performed By District Maintenance Personnel

The Board may authorize district maintenance personnel to perform construction, reconstruction, repairs or work having a total cost or value of less than $10,300.

The Board may grant the Board Secretary or Director of Administrative Services the authority to purchase supplies and award contracts in the amount and manner designated by applicable law.

Bid specifications shall be prepared by the Director of Administrative Services.

S/He shall combine like items of supply and material whenever it is feasible, and permissible under statute, and not split purchases to avoid these requirements for bidding.

The Secretary or responsible administrator is authorized to advertise for bids in accordance with statutory procedures without prior approval of the Board, but shall inform the Board of such action at the meeting next following. Records shall be kept in sufficient detail to show that a reasonable number of qualified vendors were invited to bid.

Bids shall be opened publicly before one or more witnesses at a previously designated time and place. Contracts shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder upon resolution of the Board, unless the Board chooses to reject all bids.

The Board also recognizes that emergencies may occur when imminent danger exists to persons or property or the continuance of existing school classes is threatened, and time for bidding cannot be provided because of the need for immediate action.

Whenever a contractor shall submit a bid for the performance of work and the contractor later claims a mistake, error or omission in preparing said bid, the contractor shall, before the bids are open, make known the fact and in such case the bid shall be returned unopened.


School Code – 24 P.S. Sec. 120, 751, 807.1

Local Government Unit Electronic Bidding Act – 62 Pa. C.S.A. Sec. 4601 et seq.

Act 4 of 1974 – Withdrawal of Bids – 73 P.S. Sec. 1602