Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Facilities Planning

Strategic planning is desirable and is required by State Board of Education regulations. Community involvement is an important part of such a process. Facilities planning is a primary component of Strategic Planning.
The Board shall maintain a continuing census of all children from birth to eighteen years of age living within the district. The Board will employ as many enumerators as may be necessary for that purpose.
Information gathered in the census shall include for each child the name and address of his/her parentsor guardians, the name and location of the school in which the child is or could be assigned, the name and address of any employer of a child under 18, the child's name, date of birth, age, sex, nationality, address, and such other information as the Board may require to operate the district efficiently and fairly.
In order to inform the Board of the future needs of the district, the Superintendent or his/her desig nee shall prepare a written description of existing physical facilities and shall:
annually report to the Board on the number of resident pupils attending private school by grades;
report to the Board on the enrollment by grades during the school year;
estimate each spring the number of students who will be enrolled in the schools of the district in September of the year for which the estimate is made; and
prepare student population projections every year and compare the actual population figures to the previously projected figures to detect any changes in population trends.
In planning for the enlargement or modification of its facilities, the Board shall consider not only the number of children whose educational needs must be met, but also the physical requirements of the program it deems best suited to meet those needs.