Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Use of Alternative Funds

The Board recognizes that private and altruistic educational funds exist and that these funds can be used to help purchase certain educational materials and/or fund programs and services to meet selected needs of the District's students and staff. Therefore, the Board allows the administration to apply for and use alternative funds from bequests, grants, and foundations to help defray the cost of certain educational materials, equipment, special programs, training, publication materials, personnel, and other items needed to meet the goals and objectives of the District, individual schools, and/or a curriculum area.
The Board authorizes the Superintendent or his/her designee to pursue alternative funding sources when the following criteria are met:
1. The proposed project meets a District, school building, or curriculum area goal.
2. The funding source's project or grant application and the Board's proposed Project Description application are completed according to instruction.
3. A clear understanding of the future consequences as well as the benefits of receiving alternative funds is outlined.
4. The proposed project is approved by the building principal, Director of Administrative Services, and Superintendent or his/her designee.
5. The Board shall approve the use of private funds once the monies for the proposal have been awarded. The Board reserves the right to deny or withdraw approval for use of any private funds if it determines that the collection or use of the funds is in violation of Board policy or that the project does not satisfy a District goal.