Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Sanitary Management

The Board recognizes that the health and physical well-being of the students of this district depend in large measure upon the cleanliness and sanitary conditions of the school premises.
The Board directs that a program of sanitary management be instituted in the schools and explained periodically to all staff members.
The Board directs that standards be maintained that meet the requirements set forth by the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Department of Labor & Industry and any local agency which has jurisdiction.
The Superintendent shall develop and supervise a program for the cleanliness and sanitary management of the school buildings, school grounds and school equipment pursuant to statute, rules of the State Board, and regulations of the local and State Boards of Health and the Department of Labor& Industry.
Cleanliness of each school building shall be the responsibility of the building principal.
Teachers shall be responsible for the general condition of their classroom.
Principals shall inspect facilities at least once per month and report any conditions which may threaten the comfort, health or safety of occupants to the Superintendent.