Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Property Records

The Board directs that adequate property records and inventory records be maintained on all land, buildings and physical property under the control of the district.
The Board directs that a complete inventory be maintained by physical count of all district-owned equipment. It further directs that property records be maintained of all buildings and grounds under the control of the district. Such records shall be updated at such intervals as will coincide with property insurance renewal.
For purposes of this policy, "equipment" shall mean a unit of furniture or furnishings, an instrument, a machine, an apparatus or a set of articles, which retains its shape and appearance with use, is nonexpendable, and does not lose its identity when incorporated into a more complex unit.
It shall be the duty of the Director of Administrative Services to ensure that inventories of equip ment are systematically and accurately recorded and are updated and adjusted annually by reference to purchase orders and withdrawal reports. Property records of facilities shall be maintained on an ongoing basis.
Major items of equipment shall be subject to annual physical spot check inventory to determine loss, mislocation or depreciation; any major loss shall be reported to the Board.
Property records of consumable supplies shall be maintained on a continuous inventory basis.
No equipment shall be removed for personal or nonschool use.
Equipment shall be identified with a permanent tag that provides appropriate school district and equipment identification.