Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Lending of School Owned Equipment and Books
Items of district owned equipment shall not be loaned for non-school use off school property. If equipment is required for the use of those granted permission to use school facilities, it may be loaned in accordance with Board policy on the use of school facilities. Limited exceptions to this general rule are noted below.
Use of specific items of equipment may be granted on the written request of the intended user and approval by the Superintendent and only when such equipment is unobtainable elsewhere.
The user of district owned equipment shall be fully liable for any damage or loss occurring to the equipment during the period of its use, and shall be responsible for its safe return.
When equipment authorized for loan requires the services of an operator, the user shall employ the services of a person designated by the district and shall pay such costs as have been set for said hire.
School equipment may be removed from school property by students or staff members only when such equipment is necessary to accomplish tasks arising from their school or job responsibilities. The prior approval of the principal is required for such removal.
Removal of school equipment from school property by staff or students for personal use is prohibited.