Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Opening Exercises/Flag Protocol

The Board directs that procedures be instituted to uphold the laws of the Commonwealth and the United States.

Each building principal shall ensure that appropriate daily opening exercises are conducted and that a respectful attitude is maintained throughout the ceremonies. Opening exercises shall include the salute to the flag and recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. Opening exercises may also include the reading or singing of patriotic or cultural material or a moment of silence.

1. Students/Staff may decline to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and may refrain from saluting the flag on the basis of personal belief or religious conviction.

2. Students who choose to refrain from such participation shall respect the rights and interests of those who do wish to participate.

3. When opening exercises are conducted via the public address system, each teacher shall ensure a respectful attitude is maintained in his/her classroom.

A United States flag and a Pennsylvania flag shall be displayed on or near each school building during school hours except in unsuitable weather and as the Board deems proper.

A United States flag shall be displayed in each area where students participate in opening exercises. Students shall receive instruction in respect for the flag.