Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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The Board recognizes its responsibility to promote the preservation and improvement of the environment and its responsibility to educate students and employees accordingly. The Board also intends to comply with state mandated waste reduction guidelines.
The Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds will serve as Act 101 Coordinator for the district.
As mandated by Act 101, the district will recycle the following: corrugated paper products (cardboard), office paper (high grade and low grade), and aluminum. Other products, which may be recycled in the future, as the market develops for them, include: newsprint, glass, plastic, and bimetal cans.
The Coordinator will implement a consistent system of onsite collection, storage, and disposal of recyclable materials.
Corrugated paper products will be separated from other waste products by custodians and stored at each building. Office paper separation will occur in designated rooms in each building. Small, color-coded boxes will be placed in most rooms and employees and students will place recyclable paper in these boxes. The custodians will collect the paper from each room at periodic intervals.
Aluminum products collection will be accomplished by placing marked containers near each source of aluminum products. Recyclable materials will be stored at each building until they are removed by an independent agency. Appropriate containers will be provided to collect and store other recyclable items.
Appropriate containers will be provided to collect and store other recyclable items.
The Coordinator will devise a method for numeric measurement of the materials that are collected for recycling. This information will be available for use in the district as an informative and educational tool, as well as for any reports required by state or municipal authorities.
This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis, but due to the changing and developing nature of recycling in general, the effects of the policy will be maintained and modified as needed throughout the year.
District employees and students will be informed of the recycling program and its effects. Schools will be encouraged to integrate recycling and waste reduction into classroom lessons where appropriate. An attempt will be made to promote an understanding of the role of the individual in these practices and to develop a sense of responsibility that will carry into daily life.