Donald H. Eichhorn Middle School

Where to go?

Who to see?

Information and Assistance

A school counselor is a professionally trained specialist with a background in the behavioral sciences and human relations. The counselor is experienced in identifying school and personal problems. In addition, the counselor assists in helping students to deal with social problems. The school counselor assists students in the development of those life long skills necessary for optimum character, coping with life's difficulties, and building cohesive relationships. For more information on who to talk to in the school for a specific concern, click onto “student services.”

Career and Interests Information
The Pennsylvania Department of Education Pa Career Zone website is now live at CareerZone Pennsylvania. It has a vast amount of information relative to careers, jobs, and career research for students and adults throughout Pennsylvania.

What interests do YOU have? What careers might YOU like? Have fun with the activities that are all about you on Education Planner. Explore the hundreds of careers available. Learn about the different types of jobs, including their descriptions, education requirements and salary information. This is a great tool for both students and parents!

School Counselors:
Mr. Mecouch - 522-3214
Mrs. Zack - 522-3263

Student Services (.pdf)

Guidance Groups

Student Assistance Program (SAP)

Listening Post

Peer Mediation

Counseling Services

Parent Information