Lewisburg Area
School District

Elementary School
K - 3

Elementary School
Grades 4 - 5

Donald H. Eichhorn
Middle School
Grades 6 - 8

Lewisburg Area
High School
Grades 9 - 12

Linntown Elementary School


Our teachers and directors are

Mr. Dale Orris and Mr. Jonathan Walz
(Website Updated: Jan. 26, 2007)

* Spring Band Concert Date Change
Due to a conflict within the school district, the Spring Band Concert has been officially moved back to Thursday, May 24th, 2007 at 7:30pm. Please make note of this on your home calendars as we need all members of the bands in attendance that evening!

* New Band Director
We welcome Mr. Walz as our newest Band Director at Linntown. Mr. Walz has been working with the Linntown Chorus, teaching Classroom Music, and assisting with the LAHS Marching Dragons. He has expanded his influence and is now teaching the Linntown woodwind section of the band. We are very happy to have this outstanding educator as part of our Linntown Band team!!

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What To Expect
(.pdf format)

Student Expectations
(.pdf format)

Grading Policy
(MS word format)

Personnel Update
(.pdf update)

My child is thinking about quitting. (.pdf file)
(Information to help you & your child make a decision and a form to complete and return.)


Donald H. Eichhorn Middle School Music Department

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The Linntown Elementary School
Band web page is the source of information, news, and
events for the Fifth Grade Band.

The Linntown Elementary School
is the home of grades four and five in the
Lewisburg Area School District,
Lewisburg, Pennsylvania.

LESSONS: Fifth grade musicians participate in small group lessons once each six-day cycle. During the lessons, students learn techniques and concepts needed to become proficient with their instrument.

PRACTICING: For the first four months (September - December), students are expected to practice everyday, a minimum of 15 minutes during each day of practice. Starting in January, the young musicians are expected to practice a minimum of 20 minutes each day. Additional practicing is encouraged.

LESSON SCHEDULE: Students receive one, small group lesson each six-day cycle. The lesson will be for 30 minutes on the same day of the cycle (Day 2 or Day 5). The time, during which they will have their lesson, will rotate among three schedules (example: Lesson Cycle A - 8:30 am, Lesson Cycle B - 1:30 pm, and during Lesson Cycle C - 12:00 pm). After the first three introductory lessons, each student and homeroom teacher is provided with a printed schedule. The current lesson schedule is also posted on the wall outside the lesson room. It is very important that the beginner musician attend every lesson.

(Click on photo to view larger image.)

BAND & BAND REHEARSALS: Band includes all students who play brass, woodwind and percussion instruments. beginning in December,the Fifth Grade Band will rehearse every Day 2, from 2:20 pm until 3:00 pm,

(Click on photo to view larger image.)

PERFORMANCES: The Fifth Grade Band performs at their annual "First Performance," in February and along with the Middle School Prep Band (sixth grade band) at the annual Middle School Spring Band Concert in late May.

FIRST PERFORMANCE: The Fifth Grade Band will present their "First Performance" on February 27th at 2:20pm. The audience will be band parents, other invited guests of the musicians, and the fifth grade. The program will give the band the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned since they started lessons in September, 2006. The performance is always an outstanding success.

SPRING BAND CONCERT: The Fifth Grade Band will perform with the Sixth Grade Band at the Middle School Spring Band Concert on Thursday, May 24, 2007.

If you have any suggestions &/or comments regarding this website,
please email me by clicking on my name Mr. Orris.

* If you wish to send an email regarding band &/or lessons,
send an email by clicking on Mr. Orris' name or Mr. Walz's name.

* If you wish to receive emails regarding band & lessons, add a new email address,
or change an email address, send an email by clicking on
Mr. Orris' name.

* If you wish to call Mr. Orris or Mr. Walz at school, dial (570) 523-3220 X 3059 (Middle School Office) or X 3068 (Linntown Music Room)