Our director is Mrs. Helen Hower.
(Updated: January 15, 2007)
(Some/All Photos Updated: )


LESSONS: Middle school string musicians are encouraged to continue lessons on the instrument they played during the last school year. Middle school students may also choose to begin lessons on a string instrument. During the lessons, the students learn techniques and concepts needed to become proficient with the instrument. At each lesson and string ensemble rehearsal, students earn points toward their marking period grade (see Grading Policy). Students are expected to practice at least six days between each lesson and a minimum of 20 minutes during each day of practice. Additional practicing (more days and more time per day) is encouraged.

LESSON SCHEDULE: Students will receive one small group lesson each six-day cycle. The lesson will be for ½ period (approximately 20 minutes) on the same day of the cycle (Day 2 or Day 5). The period, during which they will have their lesson, will rotate (example: Lesson Cycle A - during period 6, Lesson Cycle B - during period 4, and during Lesson Cycle C - during period 2). Lesson Schedules will be provided to each student prior to the start of lessons. If a student misses a lesson, he/she is encouraged to schedule a make-up lesson.


STRING ENSEMBLE PARTICIPATION: All sixth, seventh, and eighth grade string musicians are automatically members of the String Ensemble, provided that they have completed approximately six months or more of prior instruction on their present stringed instrument and are continuing school lessons with that same instrument. Beginning students will become members of the string ensemble when the director is confident that the student can learn to play the string ensemble music without becoming overwhelmed and discouraged. The String Ensemble rehearses and performs music that is grade 2 (medium easy) to grade 3 (medium), on a scale of 1 - 6. At the beginning of each concert season (October and January), the String Ensemble musicians participate in chair placement auditions. The auditions consist of playing assigned scales (from memory) and sight reading.

STRING ENSEMBLE REHEARSALS: The String Ensemble rehearses twice each six-day cycle during Activity Periods (presently on Days 2 & 5, during Activity Periods A & B). They also rehearse two mornings each six-day cycle (Days 2 & 5) from 7:20 am until 8:00 am.

PERFORMANCES: The String Ensemble performs during the annual Middle School Winter Concert in December, in the LASD Strings Chamber Concert in February (solos, duets, trios, quartets, etc.), and during the annual Middle School Spring Strings Concert in the of middle May (see Calendar). The String Ensemble also performs with the High School Orchestra in the High School Pops Concert.


ADVANCED STRING ENSEMBLE PARTICIPATION: All string players are eligible, through audition, to participate in the Advanced String Ensemble. Students will be chosen for this ensemble based on their String Ensemble audition results and director recommendation.

ADVANCED STRING ENSEMBLE REHEARSALS: The Advanced String Ensemble rehearses one morning each six-day cycle from 7:15 am until 8:00 am (presently Day 4). If extra rehearsals are required prior to a performance, students will be notified via the monthly calendar (given to string students at the beginning of each month).

PERFORMANCES: The Advanced String Ensemble performs during the annual Middle School Winter Concert (December) and during the Middle School Spring Strings Concert (late May).

PMEA DISTRICT 8 STRING FEST: (Similar to an honors, all county, or district string ensemble, the String Fest provides students with the opportunity to get to know string musicians from other schools and to rehearse and perform music in an inter-school setting.) Students will be selected by their director based on their past performance. (The student names must be submitted prior to fall auditions.) Our school is allotted approximately 10 students from seventh and eighth grades. The festival takes place in November. Information for each year's festival will be provided to the participants.

Strings Publications:
(Click on any document below to view &/or print.)

Grading Policy (.pdf file)
(Documents explaining Evaluation & Grading as well as Attendance at Lessons, Rehearsals, & Performances)

Personnel Update Form (.pdf file)
(Complete and return anytime there is a change of address, phone number, email address, etc.)


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* If you wish to send an email regarding string ensembles &/or string lessons,
click on Mrs. Hower's name.

(.pdf file)